25 elképesztő fotó az ukrán kormánytagok otthonáról
Tódulnak az emberek, hogy lássák azt a fényűző pompát, ahogy az ukrán ex-vezetők élték mindennapjaikat luxus otthonaikban.
Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych fled Kiev this past weekend, leaving behind his opulent compound.
Hundreds of people flocked to the grounds to see how Yanukovych had been living, and photos have surfaced of his luxurious mansion, extensive vehicle collection, zoo, golf course, and boat.
And he’s not the only powerful Ukrainian enjoying a ridiculously luxurious residence.
This photo and the one above, posted on a VKontakte page, show Ukrainian parliament member Yuriy Ivanyushchenko’s opulent home:
And these photos, posted by Evhen Chubuk, show former Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka’s palace:
Yanukovich compound is also very top:
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/homes-of-ukrainian-government-officials-2014-2#ixzz2uWAgDdyl
Forrás: businessinsider.com
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